The state MUTCD supplement should reflect the state and local laws as well as best practices already in use.
Section 9B.11 Bicycles Use Ped Signal Sign (R9-5) option statement should be included in the State MUTCD supplement as it is already used by VDOT on projects such as the Virginia Center Blvd cycletrack in Vienna, VA. Installing those signs under the pedestrian signal head on the far side and near side of the intersection should be added as an option statement.
Section 9B.15 Bicycle Passing Clearance Sign (R4-19) option statement should be included in the State MUTCD supplement as the Code of Virginia § 46.2-839 requires 3 feet to pass and in some cases, requires drivers to change lanes to pass. A “change lanes to pass” supplemental sign should be added Section 9B.14 to reflect Code of Virginia § 46.2-839.
Section 9E.03 Extensions of Bicycle Lanes through Intersections support statement should be upgraded to a standard statement. The option statement allowing green paint should be increased to guidance.
Section 9E.07 Separated Bicycle Lanes support statement should be included in the State MUTCD supplement and be increased to a standard statement. Separated bicycle lanes have existed on Virginia streets for more than a decade including on state-controlled streets.
Section 9E.08 Counter-Flow Bicycle Lanes support statement should be included in the State MUTCD supplement and be increased to a standard statement. The guidance statement, Counter-flow bicycle lanes should not be used between a general-purpose lane and an on-street parallel parking lane for motor vehicles, should be omitted as it is not evidence-based and many jurisdictions have contraflow lanes adjacent to parking lanes. Contraflow bike lanes are listed as an acceptable treatment on VDOT’s website.
Section 9E.11 Two-Stage Bicycle Turn Boxes support statement should be included in the State MUTCD supplement and be increased to a guidance statement.
Section 9E.12 Bicycle Box option statement should be included in the State MUTCD supplement and be increased to a guidance statement.
Section 9E.14 Bicycle Route Pavement Markings option statement should be included in the State MUTCD supplement and be increased to a guidance statement and should be allowed to be used in place of wayfinding signs rather than merely supplement them.
Section 3H.06 Green-Colored Pavement for Bicycle Facilities support statement should be included in the State MUTCD supplement as VDOT uses it on their own bicycle facilities and local jurisdictions have used green paint for more than a decade. In addition, research shows that green paint in conflict zones increases safety for people bicycling.
Section 3J.07 Sidewalk Extensions Designated by Pavement Markings support statement should be included in the State MUTCD supplement and be increased to a guidance statement.
Section 2B.20 In-Street and Overhead Pedestrian and Trail Crossing Signs (R1-6 and R1-9 Series) option statement should be included in the State MUTCD supplement and be increased to a guidance statement. Code of Virginia § 46.2-924 requires roadway users to stop to pedestrians and bicyclists in the crosswalk (see Code of Virginia § 46.2-904) so R1-5, R1-5d, R1-6, R1-6d, R1-9, R1-9d should be omitted from State MUTCD supplement.
Section 4L.01 Application of Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons option statement should be included in the State MUTCD supplement and be increased to a guidance statement. RRBFs are an effective traffic control device with a significant body of evidence supporting their use.
Section 4H.01 Use of Bicycle Signal Faces option statement should be included in the State MUTCD supplement and be increased to a guidance statement.
Section 2B.59 Traffic Signal Signs and Plaques (R10-5 through R10-30)’s R10-15 yield to pedestrians when turning should be omitted from the State MUTCD supplement as Code of Virginia § 46.2-904 requires roadway users to stop, not yield.
Section 2B.60 No Turn on Red Signs (R10-11 Series, R10-17a, and R10-30) should specify in the State MUTCD supplement that installing a supplemental sign, “when pedestrians are present” should never be used as it is not in the MUTCD and FHWA has discouraged their use for almost 20 years Existing “when pedestrians are present” signs under no turn on red signs should be removed in an expeditious manner.
Section 9B.01 should clarify that trail stop signs should only be used in jurisdictions that require bicyclists to stop at them per Code of Virginia § 46.2-924. E.