Action | Chapter 40 updates |
Stage | Proposed |
Comment Period | Ended on 1/16/2025 |
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Dear General Assembly Members,
Please help stop the spread of cannabis and other forms of marijuana in Virginia. Over the past several years we have witnessed many states having trouble because they legalized recreational marijuana in order to make money, and think they are doing something beneficial for society. Nope!
In addition, many parents are struggling with their children becoming dependent on cannabis and their family dynamics should not have to deal with this sort of situation.
Why are you making this accessible to the masses? It is shameful and disgraceful.
The facts are clear when it comes to the horrific side effects physical, mental, emotional, and psychological in taking marijuana.
We have banned secondhand cigarette smoke in public places because we all know that the harmful effects breathing in cigarette smoke. Now you want to legalize cannabis? We know it will get worse as it already has been going on. Here you go again with more damage decisions than thinking about the actual future consequences.
Have you and the General Assembly members ever considered innocent people living in condos or apartments where they are being forced to inhale it the toxic chemicals from their selfish next neighbors smoking cannabis? Yes, it comes through the air filters, absorbs through the walls, and HVAC systems.
We do not have the financial means to pick up to move.
We have a society that wants a cleaner water supply system, but we need to have the same standards for clean air as well.
1. Do you and your colleagues want to live with marijuana smell every day? I do not
2. Do we want to live near marijuana, cannabis stores?
I do not
3. Do you want your family, members and friends using marijuana, etc? I do not
4. Do you want to have young people from 10 years old to 30 years old using drugs? I do not, but that is increasing because of the liberal agenda’s low expectations and standards.
5. Do you want to see people zoned out because they are high?
I do not
6. Where do you live?
Finally, politicians who vote for the legalization of cannabis, weed or other recreational smoking substances do not care about humanity.
Some schools are already dealing with students vaping and smoking cannabis, but nothing is done. Why would anyone want to send their kids to this school system?