Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Health Professions
Board of Optometry
Regulations of the Virginia Board of Optometry [18 VAC 105 ‑ 20]
Action Regulations for laser surgery certifications
Stage Proposed
Comment Period Ended on 10/25/2024
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10/25/24  9:40 pm
Commenter: Gracie Lee, OD Student

Support optometry proposal as submittedv

To whom it may concern, 

I fully support the optometry proposal. After reading through the comments on the forum that are opposed to the expanded scope of practice in regards to patient safety I realized the general trend was personal reasons or confusion on the expanded laser law from other health care professionals. A simple google search of a "YAG Capsulotomy" procedure will yield multiple websites and ophthalmology practices reporting how the procedure is so safe that it can even be performed in office. After looking for studies supporting each side of the argument there were no studies that showed unsatisfactory outcomes or visually significant complications from optometrist's performing laser procedures. The Nd: YAG Laser Capsulotomy: Efficacy and Outcomes Performed by Optometrists study concluded that YAG: Capsulotomies are effective treatments and have been safely performed by optometrists. I have seen firsthand the visual outcomes of laser procedures performed by optometrists in Kentucky and they have all had great visual outcomes. What a wonderful opportunity you have to pass this law to give even more patient's access to this vision improving procedure. 

CommentID: 228619