Action | Regulations for laser surgery certifications |
Stage | Proposed |
Comment Period | Ended on 10/25/2024 |
There are many wonderful and intelligent ODs in my region. Thousands of patients benefit from their care. The difference is ODs live in the world of reversible. Glasses, contacts, dry eye, drops, etc. MDs live in the world of irreversible. This is why MDs spend four years of being taught then 4+ years being trained. MDs need to see irreversible and know the cost of our actions. We do not have the luxury to refer when it is tough or dangerous or vision threatening. Lasers are dangerous especially when not done with this in mind, which is why many of my OD referred laser requests, I advise not to be performed.
I fear this vote is more politics and lobbyists rather then common sense. Those who say other states passed it is no different. We need to care about our actions and the consequences of them. It is not simple! It is irreversible.