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Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Medical Assistance Services
Board of Medical Assistance Services
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8/30/24  12:29 pm
Commenter: Anonymous

Finalizing rules when a (LRI) is the paid aide/attendant for the personal care service

The actions of the Virginia General Assembly through HB909/SB488 have allowed me to continue providing this intimate care without forcing my child to endure discomfort with unfamiliar caregivers. Their support has been crucial in maintaining my child's dignity. Changing these provisions would put my child in a position where their comfort and privacy could be compromised. My child’s care routine involves personal tasks that they are only comfortable doing with me. Introducing a new caregiver into these intimate moments can cause unnecessary stress and embarrassment. As their LRI, I respect their dignity and provide care in the most comfortable and respectful manner. I should be the first choice, not the last resort.  The current waiver draft could force us to bring in caregivers who may not respect my child’s boundaries, leading to distress and loss of dignity. This would not only negatively impact my child's emotional well-being, but also their sense of safety, which is a fundamental right.

CommentID: 227514