Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Marine Resources Commission
Marine Resources Commission
Pertaining to River Herring [4 VAC 20 ‑ 1260]
Chapter is Exempt from Article 2 of the Administrative Process Act
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8/28/24  12:02 pm
Commenter: Don Pirro

Hickory Shad Creel Limits and Conservation

I support the petition to regulate the catch of hickory shad with the establishment of a creel limit of 10 in Virginia.  Hickory shad are an important forage fish for striped bass and bluefish and their stocks have been in decline for years.  There is a need to put guard rails on hickory shad recreational fishing via the establishment of creel limits.  I have enjoyed fishing for hickory shad for many years with friends and family and have seen the abuses of people filling up cooler's full of dozens of spawning hickory shad.  I know for a fact people confuse hickory shad with the protected American Shad species and are taking both species out of circulation. Hickory shad need to be protected, particularly during the spawning season, so that they can rebuild their population and having a creel limit regulation is a major step in that effort.

CommentID: 227469