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Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Conservation and Recreation
Department of Conservation and Recreation
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7/31/24  9:27 pm
Commenter: Heather Barrar

VOP Review Comments

As a natural resource professional in Virginia, I have enjoyed reading, using and being a part of the Virginia Outdoors Plan for nearly 30 years. I am concerned with the usability of the current draft VOP from the perspective of both format and content.  The use of a dedicated website and Story Maps for the VOP is very interesting and can aid in conveying information to the public, but the format feels cumbersome to navigate as a technical document that is frequently used as a reference to cite in articles, grants and presentations.  I am also concerned about the lack of regional discussions and recommendations.  The regional recommendations highlight the diverse state landscape and help connect us statewide - again, serving as a reference and networking document. Finally, the plan seems to lack mention of water trails and public access to water despite the public survey identifying this as a need.   

Thank you for the opportunity to comment on the draft VOP.  As in past years, I would be more than happy to assist in the development of this important document by providing local and regional information. 

CommentID: 227237