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Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Conservation and Recreation
Department of Conservation and Recreation
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7/9/24  12:09 pm
Commenter: Lynn Crump, PLA

Overall format and results

Overall the new format has a great potential for getting detailed data on some things. 

Thank you for the opportunity to comment.


  • It does not do a good job of recommendations based on regional survey results.
  • Many of the big topic areas from previous VOPs are not even searchable; or could not be found when searched [i.e. byways, scenic rivers, trails] These are important to many regions. 
  • A concern is that the recommendations are too general and most are only related to Natural Heritage and not recreation. There should be recommendations by region, even if they are the same ones as the state, I expect that the priorities are different based on region. 
  • It would be nice to have a table of contents and an index. Not just for looking things up, but for knowing what is available. 
  • The introduction starts out with a recommendation. It needs some context - explain why the new format, what one can expect to garner from the plan, how to use the plan, etc.
  • The descriptions of the state and federal lands and the corresponding maps are a great asset. 
  • State Parks - have the outline for state parks in another color other than yellow, green perhaps, as it is not very legible. Have a link from the park metadata to the state park master plan page or have a link to all the master plans from the title. There is mention of the new master plan process at Southwest Museum, then have a hotlink to the plan. 
CommentID: 227200