Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Wildlife Resources
Board of Wildlife Resources
Game: In General [4 VAC 15 ‑ 40]
Chapter is Exempt from Article 2 of the Administrative Process Act
Action Adding Section 320: Reasonable efforts for deer and bear hunting with dogs.
Stage Proposed
Comment Period Ends 7/5/2024
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7/2/24  1:09 pm
Commenter: John Payne, Tabscott Hunt Club

OPPOSED TO Adding Section 320: Reasonable Efforts for deer and bear hunting

The hunters can make all the reasonable efforts known to man and still not be able to guarantee being able to keep the dogs off of properties they are not welcome upon. These dogs follow the scent of the animals they are in pursuit of be it deer, bear, coyote, fox, etc.

In the many meetings and discussions I've been to and participated in over the last 15-20 years relating to this issue I have not once heard a person in opposition to folks that hunt with dogs complain about the the deer, bear, coyote, fox, etc. coming onto their property...just the dogs. Perhaps those landowners can help us all... have a talk with the game, deer/bear, about coming onto their property and consequently bringing those dogs with them. Seems logical, go to the source.

Our small club is blessed to be able to hunt approximately 4000 acres in our community and seldom have any issues what so ever with our neighbors. Our only "incident" this past season was one of our dogs ended up briefly in the yard of, a 2.6 acre parcel, one of our neighbors. Upon arrival all appeared great. Then for some unknown reason the neighbor decided the apparent need to inject a few F bombs towards the hunter who was standing there with his 3 year old son in tow. Classy. Remaining calm and keeping his composure he walked away and called the authorties. Unfortunately necessary sometimes when dealing with unreasonable people.  

CommentID: 226659