Every single day that I step out of my apartment I smell fentanyl smoke. Every single time I leave my apartment I have to Wade through all the bent over fentanyl zombies that have taken over the sidewalks, I have to walk past vending machines distributing crack pipes and meth pipes.. I have to wash my hands multiple times a day because there could be fentanyl on that Burger King counter, that could be fentanyl in the back of that bus seat, there could be fentanyl on the button that I have to push to walk across the street etc etc........ you're either a misguided person with a broken heart who lost a family member and is desperately looking for a boogie man to blame or you stand to gain financially with the scheduling of Kratom... Stop trying to force your authoritarian will on a population that has every right to decide what they do or do not put into their bodies