Making kratom illegal is irresponsible and ignorant. Those who support this ban fit into 1 of 2 groups.
Group 1) They are grieving the loss of a loved one, and need something to blame, or a purpose to stand behind in the lost loved one’s honor. No one dies from kratom. They usually have a prior (potentially) undiagnosed medical conditions, and happen to have taken kratom. Or a toxicology report finds kratom in there system WITH various other medications and substances. Or perhaps an allergy. Kratom alone will NOT cause seizure disorders or death.
Group 2) They belong to an organization, or group, that would financially benefit from making this illegal, and creating criminals of innocent hard working Virginians.
So many “anonymous” comments left in this petition are from the same person. My heart breaks for your loss, but please look at actual research (done by experts) on kratom before you continue to make dangerous claims on a subject you know absolutely nothing about. Kratom isn’t the villain I know you are looking for right now.