Prohibition doesn't work!!!! It only makes the black market bigger!!! Please keep Kratom legal and don't make Kratom consumers criminals. I suffer with severe chronic pain and numerous serious health conditions - with the help of my Kratom tea I have a quality of life I couldn't even dream possible when I was taking Dr prescribed medications. I like the fact that with Kratom I'm clear headed and have great concentration and that's definitely not something I could say while taking my Dr prescribed medications. Kratom isn't a cure and it doesn't take my pain completely away but it makes it manageable and life a lot more bearable. I've been drinking Kratom tea responsibly for over 10 years and I have never gotten a tolerance to it - I'm still taking the same amount as day one and I have no problem with being addicted to it - I've stopped out of curiosity to see what happened and I had excruciating unbearable pain happen - nothing else. I'm grateful every single day for Kratom and I feel Kratom saves lives - I'm living proof. PLEASE KEEP KRATOM LEGAL