Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Marine Resources Commission
Marine Resources Commission
Pertaining to Atlantic Menhaden [4 VAC 20 ‑ 1270]
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1/16/24  4:02 pm
Commenter: Mark Douglas

Menhaden Fleet destroying our bay

My beach house is at the mouth of the York where it meets the Chesapeake Bay. On may a night we have watched the menhaden fleet tack back and forth, well INSIDE the one mile limit in front of our house!  I was on staff w/ Congressman Herb Bateman back in the mid-1980s when they shut down the rock fish season to allow them to spawn and the hatchery to heal.  The rockfish population exploded--it has dramatically fallen now and we often catch schoolies w/ open sores and/or with bigheads and skinny bodies from not enough food (bunker) to eat.  I don't believe the reports on the size of the bunker population as I can see first hand there are fewer fish.  Something needs to be done NOW to restore the menhaden population--the schools of bunker we saw off the piers as kids have gone away all but completely. 

CommentID: 220995