Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Medical Assistance Services
Board of Medical Assistance Services
Guidance Document Change: This is a new form used to determine whether DMAS will cover certain weight loss drugs. (This process is called service authorization.)
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9/14/23  5:58 pm
Commenter: Anonymous

Keep Current Access to Wegovy

I am 34 years old on Wegovy and I have lost 125 pounds and counting. I used to have depression, low self-esteem and confidence, fatty liver, prediabetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, sleep apnea, unable to exercise, and have to buy 2 seats on the plane, and probably other issues I haven't mentioned too. Since I have been on Wegovy and lost weight, all of these issues have improved and resolved. I am happier, I am able to exercise, and I just generally feel and live better. Wegovy has absolutely changed my life. I cannot imagine being without this medication or restricting other from getting it even further. I think I am preventing many costly complications down the line like so many of the doctors have said in other comments.

CommentID: 220333