Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Environmental Quality
State Water Control Board
Virginia Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (VPDES) Permit Regulation [9 VAC 25 ‑ 31]
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8/23/23  3:23 pm
Commenter: Tanya O'Connor

Urgent Call for Virginia's Protection of Chesapeake Bay and Menhaden Population

The pressing issue at hand underscores the urgent need to shift our focus towards safeguarding the Chesapeake Bay and the Menhaden population, setting aside industrial and commercial interests like those perpetuated by Omega Protein.

The concerning fact that vacuum pump water from industrial menhaden fishing vessels, particularly those associated with Omega Protein, fails to meet the water quality standards set by multiple state codes, serves as a stark illustration of the detrimental impact of these practices. This industrial activity, focused on the extraction of fish oil and fishmeal from Menhaden, aligns with practices known to have significant ecological consequences on marine ecosystems. The elevated levels of nitrogen, phosphorous, suspended solid waste, and organic matter in this vacuum pump water magnify the urgency of the situation.

Not only does this impact the Menhaden population, but it reverberates throughout the entirety of the Chesapeake Bay ecosystem. Choosing to prioritize industrial gains over the ecological well-being of the Bay is a perilous course of action, jeopardizing the fragile marine balance and endangering the livelihoods of coastal communities dependent on these resources.

By pledging my support to the petition, which advocates for the preservation of the Chesapeake Bay and the Menhaden population over commercial interests, including those exemplified by Omega Protein, I firmly assert the need for Virginia's state agencies and government to fulfill their responsibility in ensuring the enduring health of this invaluable natural treasure for current and future generations.

CommentID: 219733