Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Environmental Quality
State Water Control Board
Virginia Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (VPDES) Permit Regulation [9 VAC 25 ‑ 31]
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8/16/23  7:24 am
Commenter: Paul Skibicki

Omega purse seining

  My thoughts on the Omega menhaden purse seining in the Virginia water of the Chesapeake Bay, are THEY shold not even be allowed to operate in the bay. The magnitude of their operation, with spotter planes and latest electroinc technologies greatly diminishes the natural ecosystem of the bay. Menhaden are a life blood resourse of the bay, as they (bunker) support the health of the other predator species.

  Case in point, I usually travel from Delaware to fish for cobia and this year I only went twice due to lack of fresh bait (bunker). The second day of the season I travel 3 hours, boat in tow, only to find out, "we don't have any bunker", "there are no bunker in the lower bay". That was the end of my cobia pursuit this year. I usually go 4-5 times.

CommentID: 218732