Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Marine Resources Commission
Marine Resources Commission
[4 VAC 20 ‑ ]
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8/6/23  5:40 pm
Commenter: Clarke Ohrstrom

Stop netting in the Bay

Considerable effort is being made to restore water quality in the Bay. As well, there have been grave concerns about the Striped Bass and Blue Crab fisheries.  Striped Bass are under protection again as their stocks are in danger.

There has been major ongoing Oyster bed and eel grass restoration projects to help clean nutrients and dissolved solids from the bay's water.

Omega Protein's actions are contrary to all of these efforts and targets.  They are removing Striped Bass's number 1 food source, menhaden and thus Striped Bass are focusing on crabs more.

The nets are damaging the bottom and and clouding the water with sediment, not to mention the nutrients they are pumping back into the water when they clean the ships out.  This is counteracting all of the eel grass restoration efforts.

They use a lot of temporary employees from out of state, their end product is primarily shipped to Canada for fish food.

It is time to push them out of Virginia's Bay water and save that water for Virginia taxpayers benefit, it is our resource not Canada's.

Recently I have heard that the fleet is fishing off of New York as they haven't been catch much in the Bay, wonder why!


CommentID: 218476