Please keep Appendix K and cut all of the red tape. The pandemic changed everything and there are no caregivers/agencies and the service facilitators have also had incredible turnover. Keeping them as a third party, if they go out of business, what do we do then? MORE caregivers not being paid? Before Covid, the system was SO burdensome and the pay so low, that nobody could find and keep trusted and reliable care providers.
With school closures, many parents had NO choice but to quit their jobs and care for their children, so continuing Parent Caregiving in an environment which will never be the same is critical to prevent homelessness because service facilitators have gone out of business, in-home care provider organizations have gone out of business....
We need to keep Consumer Directed services, and not force parents to have to gain employment through a Service Facilitator Agency...That's a lot of dollars that should go directly to the care of our children by paying family/parent caregivers.