Paying family caregivers through consumer-directed services is good policy!
Paying family caregivers through Consumer-Directed services is good policy because it:
Addresses workforce issues raised by the COVID-19 pandemic and which have not been resolved and are not likely to be resolved for many years.
Promotes equity and access to services in underserved communities.
Addresses workforce shortages, which are long-standing (even prior to COVID-19).
Confronts increasing demand for home-based care.
Addresses gaps in meeting the needs of communities of color and English Language learners.
Recognizes increasing interest in home-and community-based care over institutional care through consumer direction programs and gives older adults and people with disabilities an alternative to institutionalization.
Keeps vulnerable children safe with parent caregivers. (This is particularly true if a child has aggression issues. Requiring others to be attendants puts the safety of the individual at risk. If the child hits the outside attendant then that is assault and a criminal offense.)
Helps families who have no other employment options due to the demands of caring for a disabled loved one. Even with attendant care for their child, many parents are not able to work full-time jobs because they must be on-call to handle any issues that arise with behaviors, health, school, jobs.
For these reasons, I respectfully ask that it remains possible to pay family caregivers through consumer-directed services.