This program is absolutely necessary to our kiddos with very different and specific needs. I am a single mom to my 7 year old and to my rare gem of a 10 year old, who is completely dependent. He does not qualify for skilled nursing care though, because he is not on a ventilator. I have never been able to find a caregiver that is able to stick around for more than 3-8 months. Even then, they are unreliable, have incurred injuries from lifting, are not qualified, or move on to other positions. I could not even keep a part time job because of the amount of doctor appointments my son has. He also is non-verbal. When left in the care of others, I have to rely on asking my 7 year old, how his brother did, was he okay, did he say he needed anything with his auditory scanning communication device? (My son is also blind). This program has allowed me to give him not only day to day care, but to ensure he can have weekly therapies and I can do the lifting to help him play basketball, hand over hand hitting with a baseball bat, throwing balls, doing activities that other 10 year olds want to do. The enormous amount of stress to constantly be looking for caregivers is depleting and draining of energy that I could be dedicating to my kids. The revolving door of caregivers are only focused on changing diapers, feeding him, and I often would come home to him laying in his bed instead of outside or doing something engaging. It is an impossible task to find a long term caregiver that can meet my son's needs but also engage with him as the amazing kid that he is. Please make this program permanent, for our kiddos.