Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Virginia Cannabis Control Authority
Virginia Cannabis Control Authority
Guidance Document Change: Section 4.1-604(31) of the Virginia Code states that the Board of Directors for the Cannabis Control Authority shall have the power and duty to develop and make available on its website guidance documents regarding compliance and safe practices for persons who cultivate marijuana at home for personal use. This draft guidance document addresses the statutory requirements for cultivating cannabis plants in the home and practices to promote personal and public safety.
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1/30/23  6:15 pm
Commenter: Chris Burrell

Guidance Document: 22-01: Odor ordinance

Personally I think an odor ordinance is ridiculous. It would be no different than for me to start calling the police on those that live across the street when their flowers, bushes, or trees start flowering and releasing pollen just because I have allergies and it bothers me. Or like calling on every person that walks near me because it smells like they decided to bath in cologne or perfume. An ordinance against a plants smell is again ridiculous and a waste of tax dollars. 

This also potentially reaches into other legal issues. This could be used by people whom do do not like you or has issues with a resident of thw property to send police. This again will be a waste tax payers dollars and not only put the saftey of Virginia residents but also law enforcement at risk. We all know that all to often a simple misunderstanding leads issues. An ordinance based on smell could potentially lead to illegal searches on the premises of a "smell". All that I just mentioned above could also cost the state even more when lawsuit began against the state due to these misunderstandings and/or illegal searches.

In closing, I do belive when Virginia legalized cannabis in this state the statement was made that Virginia was going to show how legalization was going to be done right. Well based on what has already been passed, limitations put on virginians, by this guidance document and the everything else in the works for Virginia cannabis, this state is moving against the legal cannabis growers and the cannabis community. I can only hope that the Virginia Cannabis Control Authority and the cannabis community cannabis community can come to gether to talk things out and educate one another. Sadly I think those outside the cannabis community just stereotype all those involved in cannabis based on TV, movies and music, when we are far from that. Based on myself and all those in this community I have talked to we are a community about helping one another, helping others, healing and much more. All while being looked down upon and stereotyped.

CommentID: 208014