Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Medical Assistance Services
Board of Medical Assistance Services
Guidance Document Change: This is to provide an update to and supersedes the “Face-to-Face and Case Management Visits” Medicaid Bulletin posted on March 17, 2022.
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12/13/22  8:20 am
Commenter: Anonymous

Please continue all current PHE protocols including virtual visits permanently

There are too many waiver recipients who could be harmed by this choice to resume in person visits.  The number of cases in VA has increased 76% over the last month and the mortality rate from COVID is up 26% according to the New York Times COVID tracker.  With the addition of a horrific flu season, this decision to resume in person visits will likely result in an increase of cases and deaths amongst waiver recipients, who are more susceptible to severe disease and complications due to their existing diagnoses.  The decision to resume in home visits could also increase the illness and mortality rate amongst attendants, case managers, and service facilitators in an already overtaxed system that can not tolerate further losses.  The waivers are designed to ensure independent living supports and aid the disabled in leading lives in their home environment safely, and the Olmstead Act requires that those supports be delivered in a manner that does not intrude or impair the person's health.  Requiring waiver recipients to take on an additional COVID and flu risk with in person visits during a time when cases are on the rise and vaccines may not have been effective for the individual, especially when treatments like monoclonal antibodies are proving less effective against these new viral strains, is in direct conflict with that mandate in the Olmstead Act.  Please continue ALL accommodations under the current PHE to ensure the health and safety of VA waiver recipients.

CommentID: 206578