Thank you for considering this opinion. The vaccines have not been given the proper time (as other other trial vaccines have been given) to assess their safety on the American public. In past incidents where vaccines/medications have caused just a few deaths, the item was pulled. However, with the Covid vaccine, the staggering negative results have been ignored. In many cases it has been forced upon populations for keeping their studies/employment/pensions in tact. Those in the health profession have sworn to uphold the Hippocratic Oath that they would "do no harm" to their patients. The adverse effects of the vaccine have not been publicly investigated. Doctors and those in the health fields are not doing their due diligence in fully investigating all physicians studies and opinions regarding the efficacy of this drug.
If you were to check the VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System - a United States program for vaccine safety which is co-managed by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the FDA) as to records of damages the vaccine has had on people (which, from my understanding is months behind in reporting), this vaccine SHOULD have been "pulled from the shelves." Just for cases of myocarditis, ANY child - no matter the number of millions of doses of the vaccine - who contracts a heart condition as a result of taking the vaccine is one too many. Here, from the VAERS site is the cited reported cases of myocarditis in children:
Would you want that one - of 70, 105 or 52 - children to be YOURS? One death is too many. It is, in effect, playing Russian Roulette with our future generation's lives.
Until this trial "vaccine" is FULLY vetted (which for safety protocols SHOULD BE CONDUCTED AFTER a 10-15 year period!) and deemed truly "SAFE" for all populations should this medication be offered to the public. Regardless, it should NOT be mandated. Just as the influenza vaccine is not mandated - though the flu can cause deaths, so the Covid vaccine should not be mandated - as it does not kill the entire population of those who had it.
As American citizens, we have the First Amendment Right to choose - for our life, liberty and happiness - whether to take or not take drugs, food, advice, chemicals into our system. May we continue to uphold this Constitutional right.
Thank you for your serious consideration of this opinion.