Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services
Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, Charitable Gaming
Charitable Gaming Regulations [11 VAC 20 ‑ 20]
Action Promulgation of Charitable Gaming Regulations by Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, including electronic gaming provisions
Stage Proposed
Comment Period Ended on 11/23/2022
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11/15/22  9:01 pm
Commenter: ELKS 366

Fraternities shutting down

If the gaming commission continues with this structure of gaming rules and criteria it will create a domino effect all across the state. There will be lodges an fraternities closing down and support of the local charities will be put on the state to support and local governments.

The percentage we are allowed to keep will not pay our bills and allow us to remain in existence. They should be allowed to spend the profit on or needs so we can continue to support the local kids and adult non profits like the food bank hospitals scholarships, they depend on us. If they want to regulate gaming so do it on the queen machines they don't give anything back to the community they put all in there pocket. Another way to get tax base is to put a high tax on the casinos and gambling houses like Rosie's. 

Like i said this structure will create a domino effect it wont stop at Lodges and fraternities it will also continue to shut down food banks churches little league sports and a lot of other local kids sports and special needs organizations like special Olympics for kids and adults.

Please go back and rethink this and make it good for

CommentID: 205394