Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services
Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, Charitable Gaming
Charitable Gaming Regulations [11 VAC 20 ‑ 20]
Action Promulgation of Charitable Gaming Regulations by Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, including electronic gaming provisions
Stage Proposed
Comment Period Ended on 11/23/2022
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11/11/22  4:45 pm
Commenter: James Sheppard, front Royal Elks Lodge 2382

40% use of proceeds. Exalted ruler

Our lodge  supports our community and our veterans. We are platinum sponsors of the front Royal free clinic. For over 10 years we have supported the kids programs at Samuels public library. We have paid the propane bill for over 10 years at a local senior center. Just this past week we donated a total of $6000 to backpack programs at two local churches. They prepare over 160 lunches for school kids to take home for the weekends. We purchased a freezer and donated several thousand dollars to reach out front Royal. They prepare three hot meals a week and deliver them to needy families. We support the youth in our area with sponsorships of a Little League teams,soccer teams,midget football and our high school athletic programs. We also give four scholarships a year,two to each high school,that total $6000. We support the local SPCA with pet food and cash donations. We support the Phoenix project, that helps victims of domestic violence. We purchase Christmas gifts for over 25 families that are less fortunate than us. we support the Martinsburg VA which serves the veterans in our community. We donate money for their canteen and buy equipment for their hobby shops for the veterans that live there. I listed these items so that you are aware of the important role are lodge and other lodges around the state have in their community. Requiring a 40% use of proceeds from Merck electronic games would put a very extreme burden on our lodge as well as all the lodges in the state. I ask that you reconsider the 40% and make it a more reasonable 10% use the proceeds. Thank you. James Sheppard, exalted ruler front Royal elks lodge 2382.

CommentID: 205158