Governor Youngkin has consistently stood up for parents and children. Parents and caretakers should not be kept in the dark about their children, especially something as important as their child's mental health and behavior at school. Revising this policy is not necessary as current policies already address what a school can and should do if a child is in danger.
Woke school administrators, teachers, and non-parents are violently injecting themselves into the decision-making of parents. It is not the school's role to determine if a student can hide their behavior from their parents. VA Code Section 1-240.1 states, "A parent has a fundamental right to make decisions concerning the upbringing, education, and care of the parent's child." There's no loophole that allows wokesters and bureaucrats to interfere with a parent's bond with their child. It's a parent's responsibility. How can a school circumvent the 14th Amendment? Is it acceptable for schools to quash U.S. Supreme Court decisions that hold the relationship of a parent and child sacrosanct?
The government does not have the authority to deprive parents of their Constitutional rights, natural rights. The presumption is that always parents should be involved. If there are serious concerns about a parent’s fitness, then there already is a process in place to protect children when it is necessary. The existing processes should be followed, rather than excluding parents as proposed by leftists.
I support the 2022 Model Policies on Privacy, Dignity, and Respect for All Students and Parents in Virginia's Public Schools. There is no compromise on this issue.