Action | Adopt new standards for licensed private child-placing agencies. |
Stage | Proposed |
Comment Period | Ended on 4/1/2011 |
I object to Section 22VAC40-131-170(B) of the proposed regulations which prohibits private foster/adoption agencies from discriminating on the basis of sexual orientation, for two reasons. First, to the extent that it may require a private agency to place a child with a same sex couple, it contravenes
Second, the requirement that private agencies consider placement of a child with a homosexual individual, will put many faith-based adoption agencies in the untenable position of having to choose between violating a fundamental tenet of their faith or to stop providing services in our Commonwealth. This violates the religious freedom of those organizations and does our Commonwealth a great disservice. Our General Assembly has expressly found that faith-based . . . organizations make significant contributions to the welfare of our society and [that] . . . special efforts to increase utilization of faith-based . . . organizations will enhance the Commonwealth's ability to carry out human welfare programs. § 63.2-703. The proposed Section 22VAC40-131-170(B) will have precisely the opposite effect.