Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Social Services
State Board of Social Services
Minimum Standards for Licensed Private Child-Placing Agencies [22 VAC 40 ‑ 131]
Action Adopt new standards for licensed private child-placing agencies.
Stage Proposed
Comment Period Ended on 4/1/2011
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4/1/11  5:34 pm
Commenter: Emily Volz, Private Citizen

Please do not be so "politically correct" about adoptions that you can't think straight?

If you put this new policy in place does that mean you will start discriminating against Christians and other religions AND private individuals who do not agree that homosexualy behavior is a civil right? Christians are taught to separate the person from his/her behaviors.  Therefore, while Christians can tend to agree that ALL human beings are God's children, they do not agree that all human behaviors are acceptable in His sight.  In ancient Greece where homosexuality was also socially acceptable there were still people who did not want theyre own young sons taking up with homosexual pedagogues.  It says so in some of Socrates dialogues.

There is no need to place young children with unmarried couples or gays when so many American couples are forced to adopt from foriegn lands.  It is NOT bigoted to stand for the rights of children to have both a father and a mother, whenther adopted or not.  Children are not commodities, but you will treat them as such if you insist that adults rights come first..  THEY DO NOT!

CommentID: 16806