Action | Adopt new standards for licensed private child-placing agencies. |
Stage | Proposed |
Comment Period | Ended on 4/1/2011 |
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Passage of this regulation into practice would force certain groups, that facilitate many many adoptions, out of that capacity. In particular, the Catholic Church, which holds, under its 1st ammendment rights to freedom of religion, that certain acts are intrinsically wrong would, be unable to discern through its methods the sutibility of a potential foster parent for a child.
No one is harmed through this religious belief and many children are helped through the adoption process to come into loving homes. Further, any potential foster parent whose application is denied for a matter of morals, based on faith, could go to a non-faith based agency and apply as a foster parent there.
No one has a right to a child. A child does have a right to love, and a safe home. The state is not, and cannot, be adequetly equiped to determine what situation is appropriate for each child up for adoption. Thus by trusting in more local organizations, such as the Catholic Church, the effective inventor of adoptive services, the state not only pays dues to the intention of the Constitution of our great country, but also sets up the means for equiped organizations to consider the situations and needs ot each individual child.
I am a born and breed Virginian and I do love my state. I grieves me to see our name and reputation dragged through the mud by this discussion. The ultimate goal here is to put the agend and sexual orientation of adults above the needs of children without homes. This is an unnacceptable train of thought.
In a point in time where so little respect is put into our public organizations I hope you all will make the right choice to maintain my respect for you. Support, votes, and respect will be lost through misunderstanding this issue and voting that sexual orientation is superior to the needs of children.