Both of my children at one point thought they might be trans. Their entire friend groups thought so too, and I noticed the contagion aspect of it all, so I just gave them the room to feel out the identity without any pressure to do something about it on my end. I approached it the same as I would have if they shared their interest in a new band or hobby. Low and behold, they both grew out of it. I'm lucky in regards to having close relationships with my children who feel comfortable enough to speak openly about things they are going through, but had they not had that, I can imagine them getting further caught up in going down a road that isn't actually who they are, because that's exactly what the schools are creating.
They've both told me of the pressures of being anything other that "cis" and "white." How it's the worst of the worst and schools have made them feel unworthy of their humanity due to their innate sexual nature/preference and their skin color. So, it's no wonder when one in a friend group says they're trans and the schools are constantly pumping out trans/queer talking points, the whole group starts experimenting with the label, as it's an easy way to escape the stigma of being an "oppressor." That's absolutely the environment being created in schools currently.
For what it's worth, up until all of this trans ideology started getting pushed, I had been a staunchly democratic voter. I just can not anymore with where the left is going. Seeing what I've now seen, I know if I was a teen currently, I'd be caught up in it all too. I was a tomboy that grew into a confident woman because no one cared that I was gender non-conforming and preferred playing with the boys. Were I in schools now, I'd be pressured and fast tracked into a trans identity because I guess we're going back to sexist stereotypes.
Thank you, Governor, and the entire administration who played a part in drafting these new guidelines. It's the absolute right move.