Large solar facilities in southside Virginia have been a complete and total disaster! I reside in Chase City, which is located in Mecklenburg county. We are currently being completely over ran by large scale solar facilities. There are currently two facilities in place, another being constructed, and two more projects to be voted on soon! That will be five (5) solar facilities within a five mile radius!! One such project will be in view of my back porch. Dominon and other developers have repeatedly given false information and caused distrust in the community. All the “promises” have been broken, such as visual barriers, protecting wildlife, and planting “so called” pollinator friendly plants. One such project has panels, which should follow the direction of the sun, facing all different directions at any given time of day along with dead grasses and weeds so tall they are over the bottom of the panels! It is a complete waste of land and timber not to mention the eye sore, drop in property values and the noise! Yes, the noise is awful if you take the time to stop and listen! PLEASE put an end to these disastrous facilities and let the people of rural communities continue to enjoy our rural neighborhoods and not be covered in an industrial wasteland!