Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Medical Assistance Services
Board of Medical Assistance Services
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9/12/22  11:20 pm
Commenter: Anonymous


Thank you for the opportunity to write to you all under open comments. First, I want to say I am humbly grateful that we have been able to service our clients through Telehealth means. This has been a life line for so many clients during a time where confusion, sickness and anxiety has taken over their lives. Our team works very hard to assist the families of the Long Term Care Waivers with their Consumer Direction. I remember a time ( before SF companies ) when DMAS themselves worked individually, helping consumers and guiding them through the processes. There were several caring individuals at DMAS who were striving to bring to these folks a program that would help reshape their lives and provide security to them. When I first started my journey as a Service Facilitator I wanted to share with clients the possibility of a new program; that would still help assist them and they have that continuity in care they were missing. My business wasn't about rules or regulations, at the heart it was about the people. Though we do have rules and regulations that we should follow, I still placed people first.  I have heard from several clients as I am still functioning ( more now that ever ) as a working Service Facilitator within my own company. The stories they tell me range from having Covid-19 and being so sick they thought they were not going to make it home again. Some still carry residual Long Covid-19 ( as I am being told ) which several symptoms have stayed with them after the initial Covid-19 diagnosis on their already frail and weak bodies. Though they are scared and have fears, my team and I are very happy to still be able to help assist them with their issues and or problems related to their Long Term Care Services and Consumer Direction through Telehealth. I recognized Telehealth as an essential tool in ensuring clients are able to access the healthcare services they need in as safe a manner as possible . Then in DMAS amendment, you all are stating that only 1 of our 5 services can be considered as telehealth??? Especially after the General Assembly stated that ALL SERVICES currently authorized for telehealth and virtual options during the Covid-19 pandemic should be included at minimum!!! DMAS - I have watched several YOU TUBE videos that DMAS creates from time to time. I want to bring your attention to " What Is Telehealth? A Message from Virginia Medicaid and Our Partners " It currently has 895 views and was dated August 18, 2020. Segment where as Karen S. Rheuban, MD. Professor of Pediatrics, Univ. Of Virginia states ( Quoting ). " Telehealth medicine is NOT A Clinical Specialty in and of itself. It's simply the use of technology to connect a patient to a provider when they are physically separated from one another." What Is Telehealth? A Message from Virginia Medicaid and Our Partners

CommentID: 128561