Virginia has to invest in renewable energy infrastructure to be able to continue to attract business in this state. Without new infrastructure, Virginia, will lag behind other states on this front and lose out on business coming to us. The renewable energy revolution is here upon us and we must invest if we are to survive and compete in this new economy.
We must be a good steward to Mother Earth, since she has provided so far what we need. If we continue on our current path of using fossil fuels and trashing Mother Earth, we will not be able to live on Earth much longer. We must conserve what we have, reduce our emissions, and find ways to recycle the plastic that is killing the ecosystem.
To reduce our emissions we must invest in renewable energy. We need more solar on buildings, parking lots, school roofs, homes, business, and etc. We also need to invest in battery storage to store the sun's energy at night or when it does not shine. This stored energy can then be released back to the grid. We need to invest in wind energy with battery storage as a back up. When the wind does not blow, the batteries can then feed the grid. We need to invest in tidal and underwater turbines with battery backup. At rivers and along the coastline underwater turbines will harness the power of the tides and flow of the rivers to produce energy. We need to utilize electric vehicle (EV) batteries as well as individuals battery backups at home or at a business. This utilization of what is called a Virtual Power Plant, VPP, can also help our grid to stabilize demand and it has been proven technology that works. We need to invest in EV school buses and EV public bus transportation. When the EV school buses and public buses are not in use, they can provide energy back to the gird as well. We need to develop a V2G, Vehicle to Grid, system that helps flatten the energy demand curve as well.
If we do all of these things, we will put Virginia on the path of success for energy independence. Virginia should be a model that other states copy and hopefully nations. This energy independence will free the world of wars over energy. No more energy cutoffs from nations that supply energy to others (current Ukraine war with Russia).