Virginia should be able to lead the way on clean energy. We need to focus on rooftop solar, both on residences (like mine) and on big-box stores and parking lots. Rooftop solar provides energy during the day when it is most needed, both for air conditioning and businesses. We need to ensure that the grid can accommodate distributed electricity production.
Clean energy investments should fall not on taxpayers or consumers, but on energy providers, primarily the shareholders of electric utilitites. In the end, their upfront costs will be offset by the free electricity that the sun and wind provide. Apco makes feeble efforts to promote energy efficiency; instead they should finance building upgrades that make a real difference.
Virginia must deny any company that wants to build a crypto-currency "mine" in our commonwealth. Their servers are outrageous consumers of enormous quantities of electricity.
Charging stations could be made available to residents of apartment buildings, to encourage use of electric vehicles. But public transit and rail service are even more important. Long-distance trucks should be put on rail.