The language of this policy is so broad that it consitutes negation of the free speech which Constitutionally our democracy has so valued. The official mission of the U.S. Department of education is :
" to promote student achievement and preparation for global competitiveness by fostering educational excellence and ensuring equal access."
the Virginia Board of Eduction Mission is aligned in that its stated goal is:
"to develop policies and provide leadership that improve student achievement and prepare students to succeed in postsecondary education and the workplace, and to become engaged and enlightened citizens. "
How does naivity and removing mention of all homosexuality from materials unless parents approve assist in meeting the goals of public education?
It seems to completely undermine such goals at both the federal and the state level. How could a well educated student possibly be "enlightened" if the materials they had access to excluded any reference to homosexuality?
Not only is that impractical, but it would cause huge disruption to the school and a nightmare to enforce and be completely counterproductive to the goal of a well rounded educaiton setting up Virginia students for success in the world.
The language is so overly broad that it would limit availability of even the BIBLE and Shakespeare without parental consent.
Both at the federal and state level there is emphazis on teaching ALL Students to create a solid foundation of knowledge to be successful in the world. Studies show the best way to get young pre-readers and readers literate is to offer material they are interested in. There has been effort to improve inclusivity and diversity in curriculum content to foster the best educaiton for ALL, NOT just an education for those who are heterosexual. Not to mention it would be a disservice to all, including a disservice to heterosexual students to remove the rich intellectual content that is valuable just because of any reference or mention to homosexuality.
There are no positives to be found in censorship. Literally none. The whole idea is counter to our democratic ideals.