It's like we're going back in the dark ages here. Back to the days of Hitler burning and banning books. These books have been in circulation for a long time and have caused no harm. If a person doesn't want to read them then just choose not to read them. But the LGBTQIA Community needs these books for support and it's also very educational for people who are prejudice and hateful towards people they just simply don't understand. This just reminds me of the days when we hid stories that may have showed the truth about bad things that were done to women and minorities, etc. Or hiding good things that women and minorities and people at the LGBTQIA+ community have contributed to this country. No one is forcing anyone to read these books. No kid is going to read a book who is not a part of the LGBTQIA community and suddenly change AND BECOME GAY OR TRANSGENDER OR NON-BINARY OR WHATEVER. IT'S SIMPLY DOESN'T WORK THAT WAY.. THIS IS ASININE AND HONESTLY A WASTE OF TIME ANC MONEY. THERE ARE SO MANY OTHER THINGS WE SHOULD BE LOOKING AT TO BETTER OUR COUNTRY AND SUPPORT PEOPLE AND SUPPORT DIVERSITY AND FIGHT AGAINST HATE AND PREJUDICE. Please let's us go back to what this country was intended. Freedom. And not about our country forcing beliefs on other people and taking away rights and freedom often under the guise of religion. My 7-year-old trans female daughter once told me that God created all kinds of people because he wanted to see how accepting we could be of each other. Let's stop failing this test.