Schools are not places children need to be taught about their gender or sexuality. Parents and families do that well before their children start going to school, and schools should not undermine such efforts of parents and families. Teachers and educators being trained to tell little girls that perhaps they are boys and should identify as boys merely because they want to do something traditionally done by boys, or telling little boys that perhaps they are girls and should identify as girls merely because they want to do something traditionally done by girls, is completely improper, unethical, deceptive, morally wrong, religiously wrong, socially wrong, entirely wrong, and abusive, destructive, and anti-social, anti-social, anti-life, and anti-American. Moreover, teaching students on sexualities and gender ideology should not be done at all, much less under the guise of "diversity, inclusion, and equality." For the same reasons, teachers should not be trained on such.
Let the little ones learn Math, English, Science, Technology, Ethics, History, Truthfulness, Honor, Home Economics, Sports, etc----you know, all those "white supremacy" and "institutional racism" things that happen to be good for any and every person learning them regardless of their race----and promote education in good things in children and teachers, rather than focus their attention on sex, sexuality, genders, gender ideology, deceptive and wrong pronoun use that is detached from truth,reality, and history, and perverse grooming of children by adults.
K-12 schools are not intended to teach all things. Let parents and families teach on gender, gender ideology, and sexuality. They have successfully been doing so since the very beginning of humanity, for over many thousands of years. If a child has internal questions, desires, concerns, and issues about their gender or sexual orientation, that is not something that K-12 schools should be involved in answering. If it comes to the attention of teachers, the teachers should send emails to the child's parents notifying parents of such matters and stating it is not the job or role of K-12 educators to teach children about what gender or gender identity or sexuality they should have.
K-12 educators seeking to inspire, promote, or encourage a particular sexual orientation in minor children should be punished and removed from all K-12 schools. It should not be the place of K-12 schools to teach children what sexual orientation to have, or what gender they are. Those are things that parents and families should address and are far better suited to address than educators in K-12 schools who, for the most part, barely know such children at all. When a parent or family member enrolls a child in school, the parent indicates on enrollment forms the gender (and in some cases the sexual orientation) of their child, and the school should honor and respect that and allow such to remain in the province of teaching that parents and families are responsible for teaching their children, rather than trying to indoctrinate children into a sexual orientation or "gender identity" inconsistent with what the parents put on the enrollment forms and inconsistent with how the parents have been raising their children since birth.
If a little girl has been raised as a girl since birth, when she goes to K-12 schools she should not return home telling her parents, based on what the school is teaching and promoting in her, that she is now a boy and that her teachers told her so. Similarly, if a little girl has been raised as a heterosexual since birth by her parents and family, when she goes to K-12 schools she should not return home telling her parents she wants to be or is a lesbian and wants to marry another female.