My name is Robin Allman, and I live in Richmond, VA. I have grave concerns about VDOE’s model policies concerning instructional materials is the vague term of “sexually explicit content”. Classrooms should be a place for exploration of ideas, including asking questions and learning about diverse viewpoints. This is the basis for both the First Amendment, and the principle of the separation of church and state. Teachers should not be hampered by worries that what they are presenting might be considered explicit by parents. Teachers love their students, and want to help them succeed. Students need to provide a safe place to discuss sexuality. Sometimes a book can enlighten a student about their own feelings, and help them give voice to them. Not discussing these feelings, does not make them magically disappear. Indeed, it can lead to suicide.
Virginia students, residents of the state of the authors of the Declaration of Independence and of the US Constitution, deserve to grow into brave, well-educated, well-read people who value diversity and inclusion.