Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Medical Assistance Services
Board of Medical Assistance Services
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7/16/22  10:53 pm
Commenter: Ryan Dudley

Mobile Crisis - Certified Prescreener

The manual notes Preadmission Screening Clinicians (prescreeners) who are not LMHP (LMHP-R, LMHP-RP, or LMHP-S or in supervision need to have their assessments signed off by a LMHP.

Note for the record that concur with others how critical it is not to allow billable activity of a Certified Prescreener who is not LMHP or LMHP-Type.  Continue to advocate and agree with another statement that if necessary - Virginia should considering seeking waiver based on system-wide workforce challenges.  

  • The work of the Certified Prescreeners is Code mandated activity. 
  • Critical clinical activity necessary
  • Those certified include a small number (very small) of staff in this category who are specifically trained, experienced, etc.  Inability to fund this activity based on Virginia’s once reported goal f a self-funded crisis system with significant workforce shortages adversely impacts the ability to support, deliver and expand other critical services in the continuum. 
  • NOTE:  These activities are impacted significantly by other gaps or system inadequacies.
  • Additionally noting that lack of ability to navigate supervision timely based on shortages of LMHP and/or delays with DHP beyond control.  Again, these clinicians specifically certified for this activity that only a select group can provide.
CommentID: 122645