I’ll keep this short, as the meeting is apparently not working.
Revoke it.
Do it. Masks have proven to be useless and so is this rule/guidance/whatever. The real world hasn’t been wearing a mask since 2020. And studies released by various scientific outlets in both 2020 and early 2021 have proved this was (because it’s all but gone) an aerosol virus; meaning that if you were within 30 feet of another person breathing the same air (i.e. an office) even with a face covering, there was still a chance to catch covid (assuming one of the other persons was contagious… which is an utterly important but often neglected part of any covid safety concerns).
End the stupid protocol, it’s useless and doesn’t work unless we were all sitting at our desk wearing biosafety level 4 positive pressure suits.
Studies in reference:
Sincerely annoyed,