Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Labor and Industry
Safety and Health Codes Board
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3/12/22  10:11 am
Commenter: Anonymous

Mask mandates in the workplace

 I do not believe that masks prevent the spread of this airborne viral infection. If you can feel your breath through does nothing to prevent anything. It did not prevent anything over the past 2 years as it continued to spread. Common sense should have prevailed-if your sick stay home-wash your hands etc. Also, the vaccines that are pushed to the public do not work to prevent an infection or to prevent the spread of the infection. What good does it do? It makes the drug companies and the government money and spends our tax dollars to help develop, purchase and dispense this so call vaccine. I do not believe masks or vaccines should be mandated or should be a condition of ones employment. 

CommentID: 120698