Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Labor and Industry
Safety and Health Codes Board
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3/4/22  8:12 pm
Commenter: Allison Woodward

Revoke all Covid19 measures/mandates

It is clear by now that the 'pandemic' has been terribly mismanaged - while hindsight is everything - is should have been clear months ago that lockdowns, masks, mandates to force people to take experimental gene editing 'vaccines' or else risk losing their jobs, ability to go to school etc. are truly antithetical to not just our Constitutional Rights and Freedoms - but a direct violation of the Nuremberg Code which established decades ago that NO ONE should be forced to take anything without their consent - and there was NEVER true medical consent because Pfizer, Moderna, J&J have all withheld critical vaccine injury/side effects that are now just coming to light - and they don't work very well if at all as data is showing the more injections the more infections...the lies are coming to light, mRNA DOES enter your DNA whoops! And to try to force this on young children who have literally 0% chance of serious illness or death (as with the vast majority of the population - and/or having their schools closed/remote for almost 2 years!!! All the way to the CDC's erroneous recommendations...but perhaps the worst has been their vilification of any doctor recommending off label FDA approved drugs - like Ivermectin, HCQ etc. as well as EARLY treatment which would have saved 100s of thousands of lives - all in order to allow Big Pharma to get their EUAs for these experimental drugs that evaded ALL trial norms, were rushed and we have no idea just how bad the damage will be...NO MORE MASKs - especially for children, ALL SCHOOLS OPEN, NO VAX Passes/prohibitions for those who are not vaccinated - these fascist tactics need to stop ASAP and a FULL investigation into Big Pharma, Fauci, CDC, and ALL politicians/governors who just went in lock step with all these nonsensical recommendations/mandates.  NEVER AGAIN!

CommentID: 120586