Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Labor and Industry
Safety and Health Codes Board
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2/25/22  4:08 pm
Commenter: State Employee and Parent of 3

Revoke the VA Standard
As a citizen and employee of the Commonwealth, I can appreciate the government wanting to maintain a certain level of safety and caution in the workplace and schools when it comes to viruses such as the SARS-CoV-2 Virus that causes COVID 19. However, when it comes to any other medical decision, the safety and caution taken to maintain one's health has always been up to each individual person and if under 18, up to the parent / legal guardian of that child. This should include the use (or lack thereof) of mask wearing. 
I urge the DOLI to revoke the Virginia Standard for Infectious Disease Prevention of the SARS-CoV-2 Virus that Causes COVID-19. Allow individuals to decide on their safety; on whether or not masks are a good option for them and their children. Allow students in daycare facilities and public schools the ability to learn from their teachers by being able to see their faces. For the youngsters in daycare, learning to speak, learning to read and learning to communicate in general needs the ability to view facial expressions. 
Please allow the mask mandate to end for all state employees, teachers, daycare workers and students. Masks should never be a requirement by a government agency!
CommentID: 120234