Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Labor and Industry
Safety and Health Codes Board
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2/25/22  12:15 pm
Commenter: Anonymous

Remove all mandates for ALL

At present, there is no state of emergency. People are getting on with their lives as is evidenced by the Super Bowl and other events whereby people are not wearing masks. Accordingly, all mandates should end. Children are not able to properly learn when they can’t see the mouths of their teachers, and cannot hear their teachers properly because the mask muffles their voices. Covid has become a malady that people must learn to live with. Those who wish to be vaccinated or to want an extra layer of protection may wear an appropriate mask to get that protection, but all other people should not be subjected to vaccinations or masks or other measures they choose not to follow.  Freedom and choice matter. Personal responsibility matters too:  those who wish to continue wearing masks may wear masks. Those who do not feel the need for the protection of a mask, should not be mandated to wear them.

CommentID: 120227