Although the mask mandate was well intended, its hasty adoption led to the inevitable unintended consequences of making hasty decisions about technically and medically complex matters without debate or experimentation.
If fact, this experiment in public health has yielded considerable evidence that the costs of a mask mandate in medical and social terms far outweighs any benefits of this mandate. This suggests that it should be ended and never again tried.
Socially, this mandate has led to an unintended level of civil unrest between the "believers" and the "skeptics" / people medically unable to tolerate this airway obstruction. Again, this suggests that the mandate should be ended, but with an accompanying attempt by the government to assure those who are fearful of unmasked citizens.
Therefore, all mask mandates should be eliminated, and all private organizations encouraged if not required to end their mandates on their employees, customers and patients.
Thank you for your kind attention to my thoughts,