This imposes a great threat on an entire generation of children. There is no way I will allow my children to be vaccinated for a virus that 1) many children have probably already been exposed to and ?? recovered from with no symptoms - which, by the way, their bodies would already have all the necessary antibodies to stay healthy 2) children should never be forced or coerced against their will in order to have access to basic rights such as education, daycare, recreational activities, community, etc. All children deserve to have an advocate who will stand up for their freedom since they cannot speak for themselves. Requiring a mandatory vaccination for a population who has already been exposed is unnecessary, inhumane, and will cause greater harm. I refuse to co-parent with the government. I gave birth to my babies and my babies belong to me. Under no circumstance does the state have the right to take away my medical freedom and declare what is best for my child.