Turn off CNN and MSNBC and uninstall Twitter and save your sanity. We are suffering from a terrible case of Affluenza that has infected over half this country. Being infected with Affluenza makes people fear any and all risk to our affluent and comfortable lives and forces irrational demands of the government to eliminate all risk no matter the cost to personal liberty. If we allow a mandate to vaccinate our children for an tiny fraction of a percent chance of death from Covid-19, we will establish an extremely low risk baseline for all future vaccine mandates that we will be forced to abide by and will be forced to take booster after booster until we either have mass health side affects, or mass infertility or mass birth defects like autism. There is no science on the 5 or 10 year long term affects of these new type of vaccines (the fantasy cure for the common cold (covid virus)) and we are quickly seeing the efficacy of these vaccines dropping very fast and countries are already requiring boosters to remain officially vaccinated. Want to know a shocking fact? One of the largest countries in Africa, in terms of population, Nigeria, has less than a 2% fully vaccinated population. At their current rate of their vaccination efforts, they will have only 10% of their country vaccinated 2 years from now. They are not experiencing mass death. Why is America losing their minds over this? Safetyism is a dead end. NO TO VACCINE MANDATES PERIOD. FULL STOP!