Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Virginia Department of Health
State Board of Health
Regulations for the Immunization of School Children [12 VAC 5 ‑ 110]
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10/7/21  2:49 pm
Commenter: Anonymous

Common Sense - Require the Vaccine

Of course the vaccine should be mandated for teachers and staff (now) and students (once it’s fully authorized for their age). Just like all other vaccine requirements for school-aged kids for contagious illness. Students are mandated by law to attend school, I pay taxes for public schools to be available to my kids and other kids, and my kids should be able to attend the public school without being infected by unvaccinated students and staff. We (as a community) are trying to stop the spread of a dangerous and highly contagious disease and requiring the vaccine in schools is vital to do that. 

CommentID: 105131