Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Virginia Department of Health
State Board of Health
Regulations for the Immunization of School Children [12 VAC 5 ‑ 110]
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10/7/21  1:45 pm
Commenter: Kimberly

No to vaccine or mask mandates

Please look at the science that existed before SARS cov2 entered the world. Masks don't work at preventing the spread of viruses. Please see the definition of "vaccine" before the elites changed it to fit their narrative. The "vaccine" is not preventing covid illness. And even if it did prevent illness, then why are the vaccinated afraid of the unvaccinated?

The vaccine mandates go against the United States Constitution and against my personal convictions of putting an unknown substance in my body that very possibly could harm me (see VAERS website for a small portion of adverse reactions, including death). Please allow workers and students and parents the freedom to choose and to protect their bodies in the way they feel is best.

Please support the freedom to choose.

CommentID: 105109