We are FREE, INDIVIDUAL, SOVEREIGN, HUMAN BEINGS with INALIENABLE Rights that were given by GOD, and NOT man. Among those are LIFE, LIBERTY, and The pursuit of happiness. It is OUR CHOICE what WE put in, or on, our OWN bodies. Not the VDH, not the Gov't, not Fauci, School boards, or anyone else. It is OUR CHOICE. I DO NOT WANT MY CHILD MANDATED TO TAKE an expermential, UNAPPROVED, GENE ALTERING. BIO-WEAPON jab! Anyone pushing for this should be tried for crimes against humanity because our children absolutely do not need to be "vaccinated" for a virus no worse than the Flu and which they have a 99.99% recovery/survival rate! THEY HAVE IMMUNE SYSTEMS that work well when not interfered with by masking and DANGEROUS shots! This has gotten completely OUT OF CONTROL and ITS TIME PARENTS RISE UP AND FIGHT BACK!! WE DO NOT CONSENT, WE WILL NOT COMPLY!!